

发布时间: 2024-05-16 22:50:39北京青年报社官方账号

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"For my first live broadcast, I had only 16 people watching it. I made just a few yuan — it was heartbreaking," she said with a bitter smile. "But, I'll keep doing it."


"For over 160 years, despite the stereotype of being 'perpetual foreigners,' Chinese immigrants, many of whom first arrived as students, have contributed immeasurably to the richness and success of the United States, including eight Chinese Americans winning Nobel prizes in the sciences while working in America," said Frank H. Wu, C100 chairman. "In every field from the arts to the sciences, business to entertainment, politics to sports, Chinese Americans are loyal and hard-working citizens no different than their neighbors."


"From a student to a political adviser, I witnessed, contributed to and benefited from the country's reform and opening-up. My dream is to once again participate in the 100th anniversary parade to see China realize its dream of national rejuvenation."


"For Hawaii locals, poke tastes like home," writes author Martha Cheng in her new book about the past year's hottest food trend. "For me, it recalls my earliest visits, when my dad and I would head straight from the beach to a Waikiki corner store and buy raw ahi (big-eye or yellowfin tuna) with our saltwater-soaked dollar bills. I grew up in San Francisco, but I had never tasted fish as fresh as this."


"For regions that have introduced online medical reimbursement, a closed loop is formed, from online consultation to drugs, further boosting the development of the internet healthcare sector. Whether for public hospitals or online healthcare platforms, there will be more patients and doctors involved in the sector, bringing more social value and influence to the whole healthcare industry. All parties involved rise as the industry rises, and internet medical service platforms can explore a better mode to make profits," Zhang added.


